My approach

As Seth Godin says, when we work together:

You’ll pay a lot, but you’ll get more than you paid for

Before we start working together for the first time, I will ask you for some background information about your organisation, your products and services, and the project I will be working on. This will also give me a feeling for your target audience. Whether I’m writing new copy, revising your writing, or translating for you, I’ll ask you a few questions so I can help you realise your communication objectives.

I will ask you about the message you wish to convey and about your target audience. I’ll ask you about your personas, you may have several, depending on the types of text you need to produce. I’ll also ask about the tone of voice you wish to use: I expect you’ll want something fairly formal for a report, a more laidback style for a blog or social media post, and something in between for your internal communications to colleagues and staff.

Most of the English I write is for non-native speakers who live in continental Europe. I won’t dumb down my language for your readers but I will write clearly and concisely. I write in Plain English and use inclusive language. This helps your readers to understand your message on first reading.

Asking questions improves the end result

While I’m working on your text or translation, I may have additional questions for you. As an outsider, I’m well-placed to test how easily your message comes across. If there’s something I can’t follow or don’t understand when writing or translating, something I want to ask you about, then the chances are your reader will have similar questions too. Together with you we can answer these queries in the drafting phase and where necessary incorporate more background into your text to ensure your readers understand your message as you intend.

Incidental project or long-term relationship

Some of my clients send me work on a regular basis so I block time for them in my schedule and invoice monthly.

Other clients contact me for large or small one-off projects. If we haven’t worked together before, I will arrange a phone call to discuss your needs and how I can help. Following our conversation, I will draw up a quotation specifying the scope of my work and the estimated cost. I will plan in your work when you return a signed copy of my quote.

Translatext - Business translation and copy - Jenny Zonneveld

The core of my business model is my added value

With the advent of new tools for translating, writing and editing, professionals need something extra to give clients. That’s were my unique added value comes in –  I let it shine through my work.

Would you like to know more about working with Translatext, drop me a line!

What my clients say about my work

Over the past 25 years or so, I’ve translated and written many reports, brochures, websites, blogs and other documents for my clients. Here are some of their testimonials.

I have worked multiple times with Jenny, and it’s always been a great pleasure. Jenny’s English translation, editing and copywriting skills are excellent. She goes above and beyond to ensure impeccable output. Jenny is also very supportive and her communication during our cooperation is outstanding. Most importantly (though perhaps not on LinkedIn), she is a great human being.


Super, dankjewel voor het snelle schakelen!
De tekst is prima vertaald.


Ik vertrouw erop met jou dé topvertaler te hebben voor mijn boek: English mother tongue, ervaring in consulting en vooral ervaring met mijn manier van trainingen verzorgen en de kwaliteit die ik realiseer.


Bedankt voor de samenwerking in de afgelopen paar jaar.

Er zaten leuke, en ook zeker minder leuke projecten tussen, maar ik kon altijd op je rekenen. Als ik op zoek was naar perfectie, wist ik wel wie we moest mailen. 😉 Je bent een kei en je was een genot om mee samen te werken!

Hartelijk dank voor de vele leerzame momenten. Ik wens je nog heel veel succes met je toekomstige projecten (en natuurlijk ook met het beeldhouwen).


Jenny is een voortreffelijke vertaalster gebleken voor mijn teksten vanuit het Nederlands naar het Engels. Doordat zij meedenkt en oog heeft voor de details helpt zij om de kern van onze, soms ingewikkelde, technisch-wetenschappelijke documenten nog beter weer te geven. Deze wisselwerking is de essentie van haar dienstverlening.


Het is een fantastische tekst geworden. Hartelijk dank!


Content is king, quality is queen. Jenny is royalty. Whether we need something translated perfectly and on time, content for our sustainability report or copy for storytelling – Jenny is the one!


Glad you’re my partner. Thanks.


Hi Jenny,
Super! Dat ziet er perfect uit. Wat moesten we toch zonder je? 🙂


Ik heb meerdere keren prettig samengewerkt met Jenny voor vertalingen van het Nederlands naar het Engels. Ze kijkt verder dan de vertaling en denkt altijd mee over het beste resultaat voor de uiteindelijke opdracht. Daarnaast helpt ze je ook door actief kennis te delen over de Engelse taal. Jenny is iemand waar je op kan rekenen. Dank je wel Jenny!


Bedankt voor je hulp! Klant was erg blij met de vertaling. Ze vonden dat je een fijne manier van schrijven hebt 😉


Thanks. I just did a review and will work on visuals and stuff. This is really copy I can work with. Thanks.


Jenny helped us to move our report to a better level!
Working with Jenny is pleasant, like you want to do with close colleagues: set boundaries like boring deadlines, but in between creativity, flexibility, transparency, feedback and talks to improve and gain a better understanding of the materials on both sides. She improved our English language, but also the readability and accessibility, of our scientific report and management summary. Thanks!
